Quality Policy
JCS's objective is to provide a quality service through good management and best practice procedures.
- Ensure that employees and contractors have the necessary skills and training to provide a quality end product
- Maintain and review operating procedures to ensure the consistency of our services
- Monitor our suppliers, ensuring quality products and services at all levels
- Supply products and materials that meet client and regulatory specifications
- Maintain positive partnerships with all business clients
- Maintain an effective quality management system
In addition to this JCS, asks its employees and representatives to:
- Undertake tasks and responsibilities in a timely manner
- Perform their responsibilities to the best of their ability
- Utilise work hours and resources productively
Our best practice procedures are modelled on the AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 and are designed to ensure that employees understand company objectives and customer requirements, ensuring an informed quality service and end product.
Safety Policy
At JCS safety is our number one priority, we aim for zero harm in all facets of our business and achieve this through compliance with the relevant Acts and Regulations; clear and concise communication with all project players; and custom made, purposeful safety procedures.
- Compliance with all applicable health and safety legislation and applying relevant codes of practice
- Ensuring clear and concise communication with all project players
- Developing custom made purposeful safety procedures
- Ensuring all plant and equipment are appropriately maintained
- Providing appropriate resources and training to all staff
- Undertaking regular inspections and reviews of work processes to ensure continual improvement
- Creating a workplace culture that encourages all staff to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of their co-workers
Enviromental policy
Jurien Concrete Services WA Pty Ltd (JCS) is committed to minimising the impact of our activities on the environment and aims to implement this objective by:
- Applying the relevant codes of practice and where no specific code exists will adopt responsible standards in keeping with community expectations
- Providing processes to assess risks, identify environmental hazards and control environmental impacts
- Ensuring our activities do not impact outside controlled areas and that all equipment, tools and machinery are properly maintained to reduce environment impact
- Maintaining a workplace that adopts and enforces internal standards and procedures to ensure continuous environmental safety and sustainability
- Evaluating operations and ensuring optimum use of raw materials, including energy efficiency, water efficiency and the reduction of waste in all operations
- Operating as an environmentally and socially responsible business
JCS aims to prevent problems from arising and to promote continuous improvement towards best practice in environmental management.

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