Jurien Concrete Services
Jurien Bay - Western Australia
One Stop
Concrete Shop
in Jurien Bay

Fast and reliable
ready mixed concrete
delivered to your site

the complete service
house and shed pads
concrete supply and lay

Doing it yourself ?
hire the equipment you need
wet or dry hire
Jurien Concrete Services - Jurien Bay Western Australia.
Jurien Concrete Services specialises in quality concrete works, house and shed pads, and earthworks.
With over thirty years' experience in the industry and the Jurien Bay area, we have earnt the reputation of delivering a quality service and product on time, every time.
Our Services
Our services include Earthworks, House and Shed pads, plus Ready Mixed concrete supply and lay.
Equipment Hire
We have a large range of equipment
for hire to suit most jobs.
Your choice of Wet or Dry Hire.
JCS supply Blue Metal to Brickies Sand, and even Conctete Blocks. Bring your trailer or we can deliver for you.
Servicing - Jurien Bay, Cervantes, Dandaragan, Badgingarra, Green Head and Leeman
Where Are We ?
Cnr Carmella and Dorcas Streets
PO Box 326
W.A. 6516
m: 0417 945 746
p: 08 9652 1647
f: 08 9652 1477
Jurien Bay
Completed house pad
Jurien Bay
Concrete pool showing the Spa
Jurien Bay
Concrete pool
Jurien Bay Civic Centre
Laying a large concrete pad
Jurien Bay Civic Centre
Screeding off
Jurien Bay depot
Loading up for another delivery
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